Ask Dr. Barber


Q. I have large saddle bags on my outer thighs that I hate, especially during bathing suit season.  I am afraid of surgery and want to know if the fat can be removed with CoolSculpting?

A. Yes, the fat on your outer thigh can now be treated with the CoolSculpting device.  The FDA gave clearance over a year ago on a new thigh attachment for the CoolSculpting machine, which allows freezing of the saddle bag area.  Presently it takes about two hours per outer thigh to shrink the fat, so you should plan to spend about four hours at the office.  In the last few weeks, the FDA has given clearance for a faster version of the outer thigh device which treats the area in an hour and fifteen minutes; this significantly reduces the amount of treatment time.  This newer attachment will not be ready for use until later in 2015.  The treatment is painless, does not require any drugs or needles, and you can expect to be able to return to your daily activities immediately after treatment.  On average, it takes one or two treatments per site to get the desired reduction of the fatty bulge.  CoolSculpting technology was developed in the research labs at Harvard University, and has truly been a game changer in the area of non-invasive fat reduction.  The device also works on the abdomen, the love handle area, and the inner thighs.  The success of this technology along with many new advances show it will likely continue to evolve, allowing more areas to be treated.  One very important point to remember about CoolSculpting is that it is designed to remove localized areas of fat that are disproportionate to the rest of your body, in an otherwise normal weight person.  It is not a weight loss system nor is it recommended for patients who are significantly overweight.  Barber Center for Plastic Surgery is the only practice in the Triad that has two CoolSculpting machines, which allows two areas to be treated simultaneously, thereby reducing your treatment time by half.  We are committed to achieving excellent results and at the same time respecting your valuable time.  To see if you are a candidate, call for your free evaluation by one of our CoolSculpting experts.


Q. I have been thinking about having CoolSculpting on my love handles but am curious about what happens to the fat after the treatment?

A. Great question.  I am asked this question often, and this is a good forum to discuss what happens to fat that has been frozen by the CoolSculpting machine.  Following the treatment of a particular area of excess fat, fat cells will experience a “lethal dose” of cold temperature.  The fat cells that freeze during the treatment will undergo a process of cell death called apoptosis.  This is a natural process that occurs in our body every day as different cells age and ultimately die.  These dead fat cells are recognized by specialized circulating cells in the body (phagocytes) whose job it is to remove damaged or dead cells from the body.  These phagocyte cells are truly the garbage trucks of our body.  The non-viable fat cells are removed from the area of treatment by phagocytes and are digested by these cells, never to return.  It will take about three months for all of the dead cells to be cleared from the treatment area, so therefore it will be about three months before you will see your final results.  So, that in a nutshell is how the fat disappears from the treated area.


William Byron Barber II, M.D. has been practicing plastic surgery in Greensboro for 20 years and is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.  He is Chief of Plastic Surgery for Moses Cone Health System, and is an active member of numerous local, regional and national plastic surgery associations.

Visit his website at: www.BarberPlasticSurgery.com or e-mail him at: AskDrBarber@BarberPlasticSurgery.com

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