Recycle Keep America Beautiful
by Chris Comer
It is our responsibility to keep our community beautiful. We are all proud of Kernersville and invite guests to visit often. We have amazing support from our town, county, and those that provide for our recycling needs. Let’s all join together to participate in keeping America Beautiful.
We all know that in order for us to live long happy lives, we have to keep our air and community clean. Not only is it something we want to do, but it is our civic duty. Scouts around the world assist in “Clean Up” Days and businesses, groups, and individuals all come together to support the “Adopt-A-Highway” program. We all participate in the “no littering” law or we are fined. We can even take it upon ourselves to pick up trash wherever we go.
• Did you know that $164,375,460 in mixed paper is thrown away each year? This is enough to fill more than 1,000 soccer fields three feet deep.
• In North Carolina we throw away $74,072,000 in aluminum cans. Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy that it would cost to recreate aluminum for the cans.
• We throw away $16,819,500 in steel each year. Recycling one ton of steel reduces air pollution by 86%. Most of the steel in the US is made from scrap.
• Every year, North Carolinians throw away enough trash to circle the earth twice.
• The trash we throw into the landfill each year in North Carolina is equivalent to the weight of 6,266,667 cars a year!
• Every 50 days, North Carolinians throw away enough trash to fill Dumpsters lining the entire North Carolina coastline.
• Every 3.9 seconds, North Carolinians throw away enough plastic bottles to reach the height of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.
What an amazing compilation of information. So we must ask how we can help. One way to help is to take it upon yourself to pick up trash wherever you go and recycle what you use in your own home. There may be times when you see trash that is too much for you to pick up yourself. If you are in Kernersville, please contact the Public Services Department or go online to fill out a K-Citizen form to help get it taken care of.
Another great option is to take advantage of the Kernersville Recycle Day coming up on March 28. Plan a spring cleaning day and bring your items to the Chamber of Commerce parking lot on March 28. We all know we have those papers we have information on that we do not want shared but do not know what to do with when we no longer need them. What do we do with those old computers; certainly we do not want anyone to have our personal information. Kernersville Recycle Day is your chance to properly dispose of such items. They will shred your personal documents right in front of you and destroy the hard drive in your computers so that the information cannot be shared.
Thank you for your continued actions to keep our community beautiful. We look forward to you joining us!
Kernersville Recycle Day
Come recycle your paper, e-waste, batteries, metal, and other stuff!
Saturday, March 28th • 9:00am – 1:00pm
Kernersville Chamber of Commerce Parking Lot, 136 East Mountain Street, Kernersville
• Paper Shredding – watch while your sensitive papers are shredded
• Electronic Waste: Computers, Cell Phones, Games, Cables, Keyboards, Tablets, Hard Drives, and much more. (sorry, no televisions or computer monitors)
• Batteries: All types including sealed lead acid, wet batteries, devices, and NiCAD/NiMh.
• Scrap Metal: Aluminum Cans, Old Appliances, Steel, Christmas Lights, and more!
• Dispose of your old oil at your local Grease Monkey.
Please contact us with questions: 993-4521