Energy, Enthusiasm, and Lifelong Passion for Community
By Bruce Boyer
Kernersville has captured the heart of Dana Caudill Jones, and vice versa. In a community known as “Heart of the Triad,” she is at the heart of what makes the community special.
A graduate of East Forsyth High School and Political Science graduate from High Point University, it did not take Dana long to return to her home town. Following a 6-month assignment as a leadership consultant with Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, Dana came home to determine her long-term career goals. A driving force in the decision to live and work in Kernersville was family – not only her own immediate family but the family-feel of the Kernersville community. Its welcoming, caring, and approachable residents made the decision easy.
Dana would soon go to work for her dad, Danny Caudill, at Caudill’s Commercial Electric, a family-owned Kernersville business. Twenty-one years later she and her husband, David, run the successful company, a Top 100 Small Business in North Carolina (2008). Operating the family business gives her the flexibility to be involved in the community she so much loves. As a result, she has served on the boards of no less than 12 community non-profit organizations, almost all of them in Kernersville. She has chaired most of them as well. Plus, Dana and David provide volunteer leadership and parental support to various youth sports programs where their son, Eli, plays.
A common theme of her civic involvement is children. According to Dana, “Children need a voice, and all people matter.” Her role as Chair of the Next Step Ministry board, serving as PTA Presidents at her son’s school and on the Kernersville Family YMCA Board are examples, but her current role as chair of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education is her newest opportunity to make a widespread impact. She was elected Chairman at the first meeting ever attended as a board member. Being a member of the school board enables her to not just be an advocate for positive change, but to be at the table to make it happen. “We have great plans for progress; I get to be part of putting them to action.” She feels her greatest gift is the ability to connect with people and find common ground. That was critically important in recently bringing together the school board and Forsyth County Board of Commissioners to determine a reasonable target for a possible upcoming school bond.
Dana Caudill Jones, Superintendent Dr. Beverly Emory, and other board members dedicate every Friday to visit three schools each week, enabling her to eventually be on the campus of all 81 schools in the district. Dana particularly enjoys these days to establish a personal relationship with the principals and meet many teachers and students. “As a school board member we deal with a lot of issues facing education today. Visiting the schools personally reaffirms why I am doing this.”
Dana has a long history of elected public service in Kernersville, serving 10 years on the Board of Aldermen, two as Mayor Pro Tem. She feels the current and past Boards of Aldermen have the community at heart. “Kernersville leaders have always made people and family important,” Dana said. She cited two examples: residents selling lemonade and conducting fund raising events to purchase 4th of July Park and the investment of local citizens to purchase and enhance Körner’s Folly. Kernersville has been attractive to businesses, because of the location, schools and quality of life the community offers. Her most satisfying achievement was being part of the effort to bring Kernersville Medical Center to Kernersville. Not only did it enhance the quality of health care in the community, but also became the catalyst for the VA Clinic and other advanced medical facilities being established in Kernersville.
Faith is the driver for Dana. Jesus’ commandment to serve tells us to be advocates for others. She feels called to serve because “It is not my will, but God’s. When I am living according to God’s plan for my life, He will bless my efforts.” Dana went on to say “God put me in this position with a great family, thriving business, and the opportunity to live in Kernersville.”
We all have the opportunity to impact the Kernersville community in a positive way. Dana quoted Mother Teresa, who said: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” For Dana Caudill Jones, those ripples have made Kernersville a great place for the children and families who call Kernersville home.
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