The Triad Job and Resource Fair
We hope you will join us for the Annual Triad Job and Resource Fair this month! Sponsored by The Resource, each year The Triad Job Fair is home to many different businesses that are hiring in the area. New this year is the Resource Fair which aids guests with available resources in order to encourage career growth. The opportunities that are available for both of these events are free of charge.
It has been said that Kernersville has more jobs than people who live here. This is exciting news for anyone looking for a change, employment, or for anyone ready to share their talents. Each year the Kernersville Chamber of Commerce works with volunteers through a committee to present a quality event complete with resources and businesses that are actively hiring.
Many times, businesses that have openings are looking for positions in healthcare, transportation, specialty, administration, sales, nonprofit, as well as many others. The Job Fair gives applicants access to employers who might not have any other opportunity to get in front of those making hiring decisions. In the past five years the Job Fair has given thousands of people a place to meet those in charge of hiring for participating businesses. What a fantastic opportunity for face-to-face time to ask questions, learn more about the business, and in turn the representative for that particular business learns more about you–the job seeker. How often does that happen? You get to talk to someone face-to-face and share your talents and what you are looking for in an employment opportunity without a scheduled interview.
New this year is The Resource Fair–scheduled for February 13 from 3 PM-7 PM at the Kernersville Family YMCA located at 1113 West Mountain Street.
Local resource groups like Goodwill Industries, Dress for Success, Toastmasters, and Winston-Salem SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) will be on hand to help those who will be attending the Job Fair two weeks later on February 27th. We encourage people to come and bring their resumes so local HR professionals can look over them and provide pointers. We will also be giving interview tips and techniques. This event is free to anyone who is interested and all are invited!
The Annual Triad Job Fair will be held on Monday, February 27 from 10 AM-2 PM, at First Christian Church, 1130 North Main Street.
Each year the Job Fair has afforded more and more people jobs within weeks of visiting a business at the Job Fair. This is extremely encouraging for everyone. Businesses want to see and talk to anyone looking for employment opportunities. It could be the opportunity you have been looking for. In 2016, the Triad Job Fair hosted over 25 businesses that were hiring. Where else can you go that you have access to so many options?
Both the Resource Fair and the Job Fair are in very welcoming environments. There are many people on-hand that want to talk with you, the job seeker. They are very easy to talk with and are interested in what you have to say and what you could offer their company. Please take advantage of these opportunities. We are looking forward to seeing you on both February 13 and February 27!
For more information please visit or contact the Chamber of Commerce at 336-993-4521.