Fun for All in the New Year
By Heather Wood
Oh! The weather outside is frightful, but inside is so delightful. In case you did not know, Kernersville Parks and Rec is the place to go!
When school is out, Parks and Recreation is in! Check out our School’s Out Fun Day program. Kernersville Parks and Recreation offers a full day program to all Forsyth County and Guildford County students (grades K – 8) when school is not in session. Fees are $45 per child (please ask about multiple child discounts). We offer a variety of activities that are implemented including games, sports, movies, a field trip, arts and crafts, and much, much more! Children need to bring a sack lunch and drink. All our programs are adult supervised. Call 336-996-3062 for more information or to inquire about registration. Come enjoy a day off from school with your friends, Monday, January 22 and Monday, February 19. Space is limited, register today!
A dog is a wonderful, entertaining, and loyal companion. Bringing home a new dog to join your family is such a fun and exciting experience. When you take on this huge responsibility, you will want to do the best job you can. Your animal now depends on you for food, shelter, medical care, and companionship. In short, you hold their very life in your hands and they have complete trust in your judgment.
Family Dog Training 101 is an introductory class for dogs over four-months-old that are just beginning training. Owners must be ages 14 and older. You will learn to teach your dog to pay attention when asked, greet politely, come when called, walk on a loose leash, lie down, and stay. Management and socialization will also be addressed. This class will take place at the Kernersville Recreation Center on Wednesdays, January 3 through February 7 from 7-8pm. Class size is limited, register ASAP! Please email Meghan at for registration and costs.
Painting can be relaxing and very inspiring. Gain knowledge of paint colors and uses, brushes, layering, building transparencies, creating depth and distance, composition, value and perspective, and more. A step-by-step demonstration assists in producing incredible works of art. Discover your own unique style and be thrilled about what you can create. In these monthly classes, students will join in creating delightful works of art from beginning to end. All we need are students with open minds! To register with Barbara Fager, visit for the time and location.
Are you new to FUNKMODE and want to learn Hip Hop dance? Whether you are looking to pick up a few moves, get some exercise, meet new people, or just have a lot of fun, we have it all here for you! Jennifer Antonosanti (former professional cheerleader for the Carolina Panthers, and former Walt Disney World Dancer) starts each class with a warm-up full of freestyling, stretching, and conditioning guaranteed to get your heart pounding. Then we move into choreography set to today’s groove-worthy jams which combine old and new school Hip Hop and adds in a touch of Latin, African, Modern, Swing, House, and whatever else is heatin’ up the dance floors today. This high-energy dance class will teach you rhythm, musicality, and coordination. Class size is limited, be sure to register in advance to ensure a spot. This class meets Tuesdays January 2 – April 24. Check ages and times, and register at or call us at 336-996-3062.
Do not forget our magical Father Daughter Dance coming up on Saturday, February 10! The event will take place at First Christian Church from 6-8pm. Take sail for a wonderful adventure that all dads and daughters will never forget. Tickets are on sale beginning Tuesday, January 2 and can be purchased by visiting This event will sell out quickly, so do not wait! There will be no ticket sales at the door the night of the event.
Kernersville Parks and Recreation is looking forward to another busy year, with lots of fun and exciting events and programs for our community. Stay tuned!