Supporting Our Students Through Education Grants
By Chris Comer
Have you ever wondered how our teachers make learning so inspiring? What do they do when an opportunity comes up that is not in the budget, but would be a great learning experience? In Kernersville, they rely on Education Grants.
Our teachers are the future of our children. Our schools do great work with students each and every day. They overcome hurdles that many of us would never know, and they provide for many different learning needs in each group of students. Education is a lifelong tool, we all are proud to be able to experience the process of learning as well as assist in helping others learn.
The Education Grants program in Kernersville has been around since 2004. Through the Chamber of Commerce, private individuals, businesses, restaurants and shops all support the grants to our teachers.
The grants have been used to afford thousands of students the opportunity of additional learning experiences. The experiences include the opportunity to hear a poet, experience the life of a butterfly, improve sensory skills, meet an author, be a part of a team of learners, lead a project, and read new books. The opportunities are endless.
When Eating for Education began in 2009, the community effort grew to fund even more grants each year. Local restaurants opened their doors the second Wednesday of July, August, and September to the community. This allowed everyone to give back to the education grants as each restaurant donated up to 10% of each purchase. This is still in existence, and Eating for Education days will be held on the second Wednesday of July, August, and September: July 11, August 8, September 12.
Watch for participating restaurants on social media, and the website. Yard signs, table cards, and posters will also designate participating restaurants.
Shopping for Education continues to support multiple grants. Determining the day for education usually coincides with Downtown Sidewalk Saturday in September. Shops give back a percentage of sales for the day. Watch social media and for more information and for participating shops.
The process for teachers to apply is easy. Teachers from participating schools are eligible and can apply through The application is due to the Chamber offices by September 20 at 5PM. This applies for teachers at Elementary Schools: Calebs Creek, Cash, Kernersville, Smith Farm, Piney Grove, Sedge Garden, Union Cross. Middle Schools: Kernersville, East Forsyth, Southeast Middle. High Schools: East Forsyth and Glenn, as well as The North Carolina Leadership Academy.
The community comes together for so much. Education grants is another one of the total community programs. 100% of the dollars received from business donors, private donors, shops, and participating restaurants goes right back into the grants given to the teachers.
The fun for all comes during the Surprise Patrol when funders, volunteers, and educators join together to surprise the classrooms with giant checks and a surprise greeting congratulating the teachers on their successful grant.
It is an honor and pleasure to live in a town that supports education. Thanks in advance for supporting the Education Grants and all things Kernersville!
Participating Restaurants:
421 Market and Grill
Bistro B
Captain Tom’s Seafood & Oyster Bar
East Coast Wings & Grill
Fitz on Main
Frida’s Mexican Kitchen and Cantina
Giada’s Trattoria
J. Peppers Southern Grille
Low Price Mart & The Grill
Mad Greek Grill
OutWest Steakhouse & Saddle Room
Sagebrush Steakhouse
Smitty’s Grille
Sixty Six Pizzeria Bar & Grill
The Loop
Whit’s Frozen Custard