What Did You Do This Summer?
By Heather Wood
Do you miss it yet? Those hazy, lazy dog days of summer. The joys of no school, family vacations, swimming pools, warm nights and the sensory medley of freshly mowed grass, fireflies, and cicadas. Let us not forget summer camp, with its park play, arts and crafts, field trips and nature hikes! The sound of carefree children running around has been replaced with school bells. I am sad to see it go, but the feeling of a new season ahead brings a sense of excitement. I love what the fall brings: apple picking, Halloween, and of course in my house… football!
One of the most frequently asked questions when returning to school is, “What did you do this summer?” If you cannot think of anything fun you did, don’t fret–you still have time to add to your story!
Bring your family and friends for an evening of games, food trucks, vendors, and more! Our last Movies in the Park for the summer will be on Friday, September 21st in Harmon Park. In February, Kernersville Parks and Recreation asked the community to vote for what movie they would like to see at our last summer showing–the winner was “Finding Dory”! The movie will begin at dark but arrive early to claim a spot for your blanket and participate in pre-show activities. What is better than a great summer night in the park watching a movie under the stars? All movies are free with the help of our local community sponsors!
It is also time to start thinking about new fall programs. Why wait to sign up for active fun? Registration is now open for the classes you want! The Parks and Recreation Leisure Guide and a full list of program offerings can be found online at www.kvparks.com. If you would like to be notified of upcoming events and programs “like” us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/kvparks.
The best season deserves an equally great event! The Pumpkin Run, back by popular demand, offers a spooktacular time! Whether you run or walk the course, you will enjoy all the sights and sounds of fall. Gather up your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors for this exciting fall event on Saturday, October 20th in Fourth of July Park. This is not your typical running event. After crossing the finish line, celebrate with friends while cooling down with hot chocolate. Your registration includes entry to the 5K, an official Pumpkin Run t-shirt (Adults), finisher’s medal (for kids), and much more. We promise to provide complete fun for the entire family with not only the run but also a DJ, dancing, vendors/exhibitors, costume contest, prizes, pumpkins, and more. Register early by September 16th (11:59pm) and receive a discount. Visit
www.kvparks.com to register now.
If you are interested in being a health-related vendor, please contact Cady Ray at cray@toknc.com or 336-992-0806 to receive a copy of the vendor or exhibitor packet.