Drop the Eggs, Pick up the Bible
By Taytum Marler
Hello there! March is a fun month. The start of spring and warmer weather, something I am very excited for! As well as many important days and events, such as March Madness for all those who are into basketball. International celebrations like International Women’s Day and International Bagpipe Day, who would not be excited about those days? Saint Patrick’s Day always seems to create some interesting stories as we celebrate our Irish friends. Much more important though, Easter also falls in March this year. While the excitement of Easter is hard to miss, we all need to remember the reason why Easter even takes place. Easter is on March 31 this year; what a beautiful way to end a month, celebrating Jesus Christ and His power!
“Don’t be alarmed,’ he [the angel] said. ‘You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen!” – Mark 16:6
Easter is not about an egg laying bunny, it is not about new toys and candy in a cute little basket, it is not even about spending time with loved ones over a nice lamb dinner; Easter is about Jesus Christ being raised from the dead and defeating sin. Now, the shiny and new aspects of Easter are what make it “fun,” so go ahead and have those Easter egg hunts and the big family cookout, but in the midst of this fun, take a moment to remember why you are even celebrating in the first place. Jesus died for your sins and became the sacrificial lamb so that you may have eternal life with Him, if you turn your life towards Him. He defeated sin and death in one final swoop and gave us a hope for a better future with Him—this is why we celebrate Easter!
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.” – 1 Peter 1:3-4
Many of the “Easter traditions” we know today actually originated from a pagan background. The Easter bunny came from a tradition in Germany where they celebrated an egg-laying hare called “Osterhase,” which literally translates to “Easter hare.” Such traditions were then introduced to Americans around the 1700s, when some Germans moved into Pennsylvania, and now the Easter bunny is a staple for all Easter activities. Although, most of the symbols of Easter represent new life (rabbits, eggs, etc.) and can maybe be related back to Jesus being resurrected, usually these symbols just take away from the real meaning of Easter. Jesus Christ is the ultimate symbol of new life and new beginnings because he sacrificed himself and then rose again in order that we may have new life in Him. As fun as these stories about bunnies and candy can be, the fact remains that God has to be at the center of everything. He is the one that we owe all our hope and thanks to, without Him we would have no reason to celebrate anything in life, much less Easter.
Take the opportunity this Easter to share Jesus Christ with those around you, whether it is a welcomed topic of discussion during your family brunch or with someone who may not know how far His mercies go. Just as 1 Peter says, God’s great mercy and love for us has given us a chance at being born again through Jesus Christ’s resurrection, and not everyone understands that so use this time to share or learn more about God’s great gift to us. It is always a good time to share God’s love, but Easter offers a great opportunity to really share it with everyone. Enjoy your Easter but remember that Jesus Christ is why we celebrate!
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16