Knights On The Fairway
by Chuck Tierney
The Knights of Columbus, Holy Cross Catholic Church in Kernersville are seeking players and sponsors for this year’s Operation LAMB and Holy Cross Council 8509 Golf Classic, to be held on Saturday, May 11 at Pine Knolls Golf Club. Our LAMB charity is dedicated to the sole purpose of assisting local children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The LAMB Foundation gets its namesake from Matthew 25:40, “Whatsoever you do to the least among my brethren, that you also do to me.” Sponsorship money raised during the Golf Classic goes directly to schools in Kernersville and Walkertown that have special education programs.
The Captain’s Choice tournament is a day of fun and fellowship. Last year we sold out the Tournament for the first time ever with 111 golfers and raised a record $12,400 for LAMB and other local charities. The Knights of Columbus Council 8509 was founded in 1983. It is named after the Church Parish, its home and spiritual center. The Holy Cross Council works closely with the parish and within the Kernersville community. In addition to having to an excellent Coats for Kids campaign, we have supported: The Shepherd’s Center, Next Step Ministries, Winston-Salem Rescue Mission, Veterans Helping Veterans Heal, Winston-Salem Boys & Girls Club, Shop with a Cop, Crisis Control, and others.
Our Chairman, Bruce Baden, and the Golf Committee have worked tirelessly for years to build this event into one of the premier non-profit tournaments in the area. For example, we have dramatically increased the tournament’s prize pool. In addition to cash awards for the top three teams, we have cash prizes for closest to the pin on all par three holes. Other prizes include: golf balls, gloves, restaurant gift certificates, oil change coupons, free night stay and food vouchers at the O.Henry and Proximity Hotels. Also, we will have golf shirts, golf umbrellas, gift baskets, gift bags, new pocketknives, and free rounds of golf from multiple courses.
In a desire to thank the Kernersville community for their support, we wanted to invite some of our first responders to be our guests again at this event. We recently reached out to Police Chief, Jason Tilley, and Fire Chief, Scott Alderman. We explained what the event raises money for, the charities involved, and our close relationship to both serving them and the town. We asked if they would consider sending a foursome again of their finest and bravest at absolutely no cost to them. In addition, we also invited a group from the Sheriff’s Department, and they readily agreed. They will all be our special guests for the day and we are thrilled to have them.
We will also be remembering and celebrating the life of our biggest benefactor and cheerleader, Phil Lamendola. Affectionately called Uncle Phil, he and a small group of Knights were the original founders of our Council forty years ago. Phil was actually there at Pine Knolls last year serving as a beacon of hope and joy holding court as only he could. We are hoping his sons, Pete and Philip, and family will join us again to regale a life so richly lived and beloved.
The entry fee for the tournament is $80 per golfer. This includes coffee and donuts beforehand, 18 holes of golf, a lunch provided by Pine Knolls Pub and Grill, a complimentary gift bag, complimentary cooling cloths, and the opportunity to purchase two tee busters and two mulligans for $5 each. Free beverages and snacks are provided during the tournament, with tip donations accepted.
Sponsorship’s range from tee or hole sponsors for $100 to beverage cart sponsors for $150, silver sponsors for $400,
up to platinum sponsors for $1000. Those who wish to become a sponsor or play are asked to contact Chuck Tierney at
336-682-9447. Others who want to donate monetarily can make checks payable to Knights of Columbus 8509, and send to Chuck Tierney, 5724 Brightington Court, Kernersville, N.C. 27284.
Please know you do not have be a member of the Knights of Columbus or a Catholic to participate. The event is open to both men and women. All our welcome. You do not even have to be a good golfer. Just someone who wishes to donate their time and treasure to help children and the less fortunate. Registration is at 7:15am with a shotgun start at 8am. We hope to see you there.