The Importance of Father’s Day

By John Smith

From time to time a false notion regarding Father’s Day is voiced.  This idea, revolving more about marketing and economics than appreciating our dads, really needs to be stamped out once and for all.  What is this dated, negative conviction?  It is the idea that Father’s Day is a commercial enterprise invented and popularized by card shops, gift shops, whiskey distillers, and slipper tycoons who have immensely profited off this secret conspiracy.  A holiday that has no real historical foundation.  


Granted, Father’s Day is not as old as Mothering Sunday or even the “Mother’s Day” that has effectively replaced it.  But Father’s Day is not as baseless as some might think.  People are surprised to learn that it actually dates back to early twentieth century America launched by an enlightened soul called Sonora Smart Dodd (yes, a woman).  She reasoned that fathers deserved the same recognition as mothers do, and that a day in the church calendar should be set aside for it.  Unfortunately, her story was a sad one.


Sonora’s mother died during the birth of her sixth child, so her father William had to raise Sonora and her five siblings without any maternal assistance.  It was after a Mothering Sunday service that Sonora approached the local ministry to suggest the new celebration, even going so far as to name a date–June 5, her father’s birthday.  The ministry liked the idea, but wanted the celebration to always fall on a Sunday, choosing the third Sunday of June.  On June 19, 1910, fathers were given their very own day for the first time.  Before long, the concept had spread over the whole state and nation, and eventually the world.  Now the day is highlighted in every diary, calendar, and gift shop window!


So after such an auspicious and emotive start, why has it come to represent socks, a sixpack of beer, and barbecue aprons?  Because that is what we think dads like, that is why!  While a large number of dads do appreciate such gifts, it is always good to think outside the box and surprise him with something that cannot be found in a home improvement store.


There is no doubt that Father’s Day gifts will always be part of the celebrations and that the day is no longer seen in a religious context by the majority of people.  But that does not mean we should aim to trivialize the occasion.  We should always remember that every father is a unique person with his own loves, interests, and sense of humor.  Seek to buy him a Father’s Day gift or do something especially for him that is tuned to his wavelength and reminds him of the original meaning of the day: letting him know he is the best and taking the opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you for being a great dad.

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