Student Athlete of the Month: Amira Watson
By Drew Parrish
When thinking of East Forsyth High School athletics, football and basketball often come to mind first. For senior Amira Watson, however, the Eaglettes Dance Team has been the most influential team experience. Amira’s year-round athletic commitment requires intense focus, skill, creativity, and teamwork; she also leads the team with kindness and camaraderie. Amira’s energy is contagious during their performances, but it is her leadership that drove us to select her as this issue’s Student Athlete of the Month.
Speaking about her experiences on Eaglettes. Amira said, “My favorite moment usually happens right before we take the field. The adrenaline is crazy and it is so exciting right before we start a dance.” Teammate Addie Ronchetti enjoys having Amira as a role model on the team. “Any time before we perform, we hold hands in a circle, point our right foot into the circle and pray. It shows how close we are,” she said.
What makes Amira a great leader among this team, is founded in the way she is dedicated to dance. “I started dancing when I was two because my mom just kind of put me in it to see if I liked it, and I really did,” she said. “As I grew up and tried some other sports, I did not like anything as much as dance. Dance has always been a part of my life and I feel like I would be incomplete without it since it has influenced me in so many ways.”
Her teammates also recognize this dedication, as well as the way she executes this leadership at practices and performances. Addie said, “She has a great work ethic and her having dance experience outside of Eaglettes has shaped her to be the amazing dancer she is. It brings a diversity of skills to the team.” Amira also must take on a leadership role when planning and reviewing choreography. Alicia Taylor said, “She keeps us focused and she is really nice and funny about it; she is also a really good overall dancer and choreographer.”
Amira’s co-captain, Jenna Stottler, enjoys their collaboration process and the ways in which they motivate each other to be great leaders. Madison Eubanks (’18) added, “She is a positive person and a great captain; she always motivates the team during practices and games.”
Amira’s dedication to the Eaglettes and dancing in general is unquestionable. Dance team is unlike many other sports on campus. The students work year-round and attend more games than many other athletes. Amira Watson always puts in extra effort and hard work, which fuels her teammates to work beyond their goals. We wish her and The Eaglettes the best of luck with the rest of their season.