Volunteering in YourVille!
By Chris Comer
What a wonderful world it is that we all have the opportunity to give back freely. Here in Kernersville there are so many opportunities. A volunteer is a person who freely offers to undertake a task. Is volunteering on your 2017 resolutions list?
Our country has relied on volunteers for hundreds of years. Did you know that Benjamin Franklin developed the first volunteer firehouse in 1736? Today, 70% of all firefighters are volunteers.
During the 19th century, charitable organizations such as the YMCA, American Red Cross, and United Way all came about because of, you guessed it, volunteers.
It was not until the 20th century that volunteerism really began to be a household name. This era helped to shape The Rotary Club, Kiwanis, and the Lions Club.
An interesting fact: One of the first nationwide efforts to coordinate volunteers was in response to the Great Depression. Today, the Volunteer Center National Network reaches 170 million people in thousands of cities across the nation. During World War II, volunteers were active in the military and at home.
Volunteering today still holds it premise of “giving back.” In our Kernersville community there are so many ways and opportunities to volunteer.
The Kernersville Chamber of Commerce is a place that could not be as successful in our community without volunteers. Our connections with groups that meet at different times of day and a different number of times a year, the organizations the Chamber can connect you with is a great way to find a “home” place to volunteer. The Chamber has information on The Shepherd’s Center, Next Step Ministries, Crisis Control Ministry, local churches, Kernersville Family YMCA, Körner’s Folly, and the Senior Enrichment Center. Each of these organizations are fantastic places to volunteer your time and talents.
Local civic organizations are very active as well. Civic organizations are very prevalent in Kernersville. There are organizations for middle schoolers and the high school level. Each civic organization has a group that they support and work with. The mission of each allows those that want to get involved the opportunity to learn more about who they serve. Discover yourself in Kernersville.
Please consider getting involved in one of these fine organizations in 2017. For more information please contact the Kernersville Chamber of Commerce, KChamber@KernersvilleNC.com or any organization listed above. Thank you for making our community what it is. Roll up your sleeves and adopt a cause!