Hearing loss affects 466 million people worldwide. From children to elders to everyone in between, hearing loss is a common problem found in all corners of the globe. As one of our five senses, exclusion from this form of communication can have a significant impact on everyday life. From feelings of loneliness, isolation, and frustration in addition to the costs of educational support, loss of productivity, and societal tolls.
The good news is that hearing loss is becoming a mitigable problem of the past. There are so many resources available now that families no longer have to stress over their child struggling to learn or possible career opportunities missed. As technology advances, restoring the ability to hear and comprehend is becoming accessible to all.
In fact, High Point Audiological (HPA), the Triad’s leading audiological practice is coming to a workplace near you. Yes, they are mobile! It was important for the team at HPA to outreach to employees affected by hazardous noise pollution. Many of those who are at-risk are our military members and industrial workers. Dr. Michelle Novakovich explained, “Exposure to high levels of noise causes hearing loss and may cause other harmful health effects as well. The extent of damage depends primarily on the intensity of the noise and the duration of the exposure. We have a hearing conservation program that requires employers to monitor noise exposure levels in a way that accurately identifies employees exposed to noise at or above 85 decibels (dB) averaged over 8 working hours, or an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA).”
In addition, Dr. Novakovich and the High Point Audiological team conduct on average 6,000 to 8,000 hearing tests per month for service members across the United States in the Army National Guard. HPA has seven mobile testing units that travel throughout the country to make sure our troops are protected against hearing loss. Dr. Novakovich’s husband, Loren Novakovich, CAOHC has been a Certified Hearing Conservationist since 2002. He currently operates state-of-the-art mobile testing vehicles for over 100 local industries from Johnson Controls to Mannington Wood Floors.
Along with Dr. Novakovich, HPA’s doctors of audiology include Melissa Palmer, Karen Sikes, and Dana Koch all of whom are highly trained hearing healthcare professionals that can identify, assess, and manage disorders of the auditory system. HPA also has a wide selection of the most advanced fully digital hearing instruments available today. And the best part? HPA works hard to provide a service and price that fits every individual’s needs. HPA has been serving the communities of Clayton, High Point, Archdale, Sophia, Trinity, Lexington, and Thomasville since 1984–and now Kernersville.
Dr. Novakovich added, “We are thrilled to be able to provide our service closer to home. Actually, all my family is from Kernersville–and I have lived here for the last 25 years! It took time, but we are so happy to open our doors right in town. I want to welcome everyone to stop by and see our new Kernersville office.” The three facilities offer diagnostic testing for all ages, school audiological management, hearing aid evaluation and dispensing in addition to the mobile industrial hearing conservation.
Steven I. happily shared his experience. “HPA had me fitted for a hearing aid that pairs with an app on my cell phone. When I get a call, it goes directly to my ear and works as a little speaker. It is a tremendous benefit as I can hear calls perfectly. Also, having the ability to get regular check-ups is a wonderful advantage. HPA has a booth for hearing tests so I can get an adjustment if needed, which is really important. I would not have known this technology existed without Dr. Novakovich. Those two reasons alone are enough to check out their services. On top of that, the team treats you more like family than a customer. It has been a great experience and their service has truly improved my life.”
“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
– Bryant H. McGill
High Point Audiological offers a complete healthcare plan that includes free batteries for the life of the hearing instrument, free cleanings and adjustments, free annual hearing screenings, and up to three-year repair warranties on most hearing aids. High Point Audiological’s new office is located at 1708 Highway 66 South in Kernersville. Schedule your free initial hearing consultation by visiting www.HPAudiological.com or calling the team at 336.310.0311.