The Heart of Kernersville

By NJ Clausen

Happy February, Everyone! We are all called to love one another, which is sometimes easier said than done. This month I have the pleasure of introducing you to a couple who have been married for over three decades and are still going strong…Susan and Jim Fradenburg.

Susan and Jim were both born in New York, and are each the oldest siblings in their family. Susan’s family traveled, and her childhood included time in Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and Texas. From the time she was 8 years old Susan swam competitively, continuing through her freshman year in college. Jim liked his history class and would play many sports, including football, basketball, and baseball. Both of them have always enjoyed reading and feature many bookcases in their home.

During high school, Susan was on both the school and a travel swim team which took up most of her time, but she was able to find time to also participate in Spanish club and concentrate on her academics. In addition to his sports and academics, Jim worked part-time at a golf course. While applying to different colleges, Jim did so well on the statewide history test that it earned him a scholarship to Brockport State in New York. He had enough credits to dual major in History and Political Science. A professor talked to him about going to law school, which Jim did after graduating. Susan went to the University of Kansas, where she had been recruited to the swim team along with her scholarship, and double majored in Political Science and Psychology. After a year of swimming at college, she wanted to do more, so she went to the District of Columbia, where she worked with a congressman on the hill for a semester.

In 1990, Susan and Jim were both attending law school at Wake Forest. They first met at “house hunt”, which was the way that out of state students found housing over a 3 to 4 day period. An interesting story revealed that while they met in 1990, they were born 6 weeks apart within 60 miles of each other! Susan had a friend that was interested in a friend of Jim’s and the four of them ended up going out together. On their first date, around Thanksgiving, with just the two of them, Jim cooked for Susan—a Shrimp Scampi that brought a smile to Susan’s face as she recalled that day. By the second semester they were a couple and were together all through law school. After they graduated from law school, they both took the bar in July and then drove to New York for their wedding in August. Susan and Jim were married in the same church where Susan’s parents were married, and by the same priest who married her parents, with the minister who married Jim’s parents attending.

Following their honeymoon, the couple returned to Cary where the results of the bar exam were waiting; they had both passed. Susan was working as a clerk at the North Carolina Supreme Court, and Jim was working for a construction law firm. A few years later Jim procured a position at a prestigious law firm in Winston-Salem, and Susan prepared to start with a prominent firm in Greensboro. The couple moved to Kernersville in 1995 for the location, in addition to being a good place to raise a family. When asked how they managed demanding careers and family, Susan responded that it was a partnership. They both stepped up and did what needed to be done. Both worked full-time and both were really involved with the kids. It also helped when Susan’s parents moved to the area and offered their support. In 2003, a supper club of young parents with children was formed; a group that supported each other and is still together to this day. Jim and Susan both enjoy sports and being outside and have coached various teams over the years.

When asked if they had any words of wisdom for young couples, Jim shared this: if you can agree with your spouse on how you are going to raise your kids and manage your money, you are a long way toward being successful. Jim had this realization one day, he figured out that marriage is a little like football, he loved playing football but there were also days when he did not like it as much. Jim added that he tries not to let something bleed over to the next day. Susan said that it is important to give grace when someone is having a bad day, and that sometimes you must step back.

Jim and Susan have both been very active in our community, serving on numerous boards in various positions. They encourage people to get involved in something they like, there are so many opportunities in Kernersville. They believe in participating and giving back and know that people could really make a difference. Do you like sports? History? Find something you enjoy, find your passion!

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