Triad Honor Flight
By Alison Huber

100 veterans were honored on the 7th Triad Honor Flight mission (7B24) on October 2nd, 2024, including 5 Kernersville residents. The eldest resident was 100 years old and one of 5 WWII veterans. On this trip, there was also the Flight Coordinator and Executive Director, Alison Huber and her daughter Megan, 2 Bus Captains, Ron Money and Jennifer Williams, Medical volunteers Annette Cooke and Jennifer Every, and quite a few guardians from Kernersville. Prior to the flight, we held a gathering at The Crossing Church North on Hwy 150 for all the veterans to meet their team and receive their gear (jacket, hat, t-shirt, backpack, and socks). The veterans then get a portrait made and find their service photo on The Tree of Valor – also based out of Kernersville. Scouts and American Heritage Girls also participate. Who knew our little town would be so involved in such a large undertaking.
The day started early with a sendoff ceremony at the PTI – Greensboro airport. Kernersville resident, General Gorham said a few words, the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance was said, before the Grimsley drum line played as the veterans went under a large American flag by bus color. It is an amazing site and always open to the public. Once the group of 190 landed in Washington DC, they visited the WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Lincoln Memorials before heading to Iwo Jima. They finished the day with a ceremony at Arlington with the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. A special wreath laying ceremony took place with our eldest veteran, Mr. Faucette at 103 years young. He was accompanied by Purple Heart recipients Mr. Yorgey (WWII) and Mr. Nadolski (Vietnam) and Ms. Lt. Col Hite (Vietnam); Pat was one of the 10 female veterans honored on this trip including 6 honored veterans and 4 guardians who received a special presentation from the Women’s Memorial by Donna Houle.
We returned to the airport and were greeted by “Ace” from Arby’s, who has been a supporter of honor flights since the very first flight in 2005. The group boards the plane and thinks they are going to rest, that is when they receive their envelope filled with “mail call” letters from home. After a short flight, we are ready to land and prepare for our welcome home celebration at PTI. We would say that about 1,000 people showed up to greet our veterans and provide a much-needed welcome home to honor and show their respect. It is an amazing day of reflection and healing for some. We shed many “honor flight allergies,” especially at the Vietnam Wall. For many, it will be one of the best days of their life and be a memory they share with their guardian. We get to play a part in making it happen and for that, we are blessed and grateful!
Triad Honor Flight is a 100% volunteer 501c3. We fly spring and fall each year and take veterans typically by age unless there are health concerns; sometimes the younger veterans who are healthy are sometimes paired with older veterans. We raise about $120,000 for each flight. Our wait list is very long for both veterans and guardians, so please be patient with us. You can apply at You can also donate to sponsor a veteran for $600 and your name or company logo will go on our website. It takes an army of volunteers to make the flight a success. If you would like to volunteer there is also an application on our website, as well as a spot to join our mailing list. Mark your calendar for April 30 for our next flight and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.